Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ahmet CANSIZ (
Research students: Emre AKYERDEN (, Ahmet Furkan REİSOĞLU
Room No: 8206

Superconducting magnetic bearing test system:
The cylindrical rotor with a mass of 7.5 kg reached a
speed of 20000 RPM by means of a magnetic drive.
Storage capacity is 150 kJ

Superconducting Magnetic levitation (MagLev)
train test system: Train balance and levitation
improvement through Halbach array permanent magnet
Research Topics: Permanent magnet configuration, Superconductor-permanent magnet force measurement and modeling, Superconducting MagLev Train, Magnetic gear (MG), Superconducting magnetic gear (SMG), Superconducting magnetic bearing and driving systems, Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES), Battery energy storage (BES), Superconducting magnetic-battery energy storage (Hybrid storage), Superconducting flywheel energy storage (SFES), Superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL)
Miscellaneous topics: Heat exchangers, Heat transfer enhancement, electromagnetic launch systems
Laboratory Facility: Magnetization measurement system, Permanent magnet force measurement system, Superconductor-permanent magnet force measurement system, Magnetic field measurement system (Hall probe), Superconducting magnetic flux trapping system
Selected Publications:
1. A. Cansiz and I. Yildizer, “The design considerations for a superconducting magnetic bearing system”, Cryogenics, 63, 180-185, 2014.
2. I. Kotcioglu and A. Cansiz, “The efficiency analysis of a finned cross-flow heat recovery unit”, Experimental Heat Transfer, 28, 1, 9-22, 2015.
3. I. Yildizer, A. Cansiz and K. Ozturk, “Optimization of levitation and guidance forces in a superconducting Maglev system”, Cryogenics, 78, 57-65, 2016.
4. O. Guney and A. Cansiz, “Design of fault current limiter using core with initial permeability”, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 11, 14, 3516-3521, 2017.
5. A. Cansiz and D. T. McGuiness, “Optimization of the force and stiffness in a superconducting magnetic bearing based on a particular permanent-magnet superconductor configuration”, IEEE Trans. On Appl. Supercond., 28, 2, 1-8, 5201208, 2018.
6. A. Cansiz, C. Faydaci, T. Qureshi, O. Usta, D. T. McGuiness, “Integration of a SMES-Battery based Hybrid Energy Storage System into Micro-Grids”, J. Supercond. Novel Magn., 31, 5, 1449-1457, 2018.
7. A. Cansiz, E. Akyerden, “The use of high temperature superconductor bulk in a co-axial magnetic gear”, Cryogenics, 98, 80-86, 2019.