The Electrical Engineering Master's and Doctoral Programs under Electrical Engineering Division of ITU Institute of Science and Technologies are conducted by the academic staff of Electrical Engineering Department.
The graduate students accepted to the Electrical Engineering Master's Program by interview are required to successfully complete a 24-credit course work from compulsory and elective course categories. Following this stage, they are expected to successfully defend their Master's Thesis produced from a comprehensive research and development in a preselected field. The students who successfully complete the course requirement and defend their theses are qualified with M.Sc. Degree. Currently, a total of 247 students are continuing their education and research in Electrical Engineering Master's Program.
The graduate students accepted to the Electrical Engineering Doctoral Program by interview are expected to successfully complete a 21-credit course work. After completing the course work, each student has to pass a qualify exam before starting a comprehensive research for a scientific and technological innovation in electrical engineering or other related interdisciplinary fields. Upon successfully completing the research work with a sufficient quality for a doctoral degree, each student writes and then submits a thesis. The candidates who successfully defend their theses are qualified with a Ph. D. degree. Currently, 62 students are continuing their education and research in Electrical Engineering Doctoral Program.